Bull sharks have been swimming in the same water as us for some time, scientists have discovered.
According to National Geography, scientists found that these animals, who need salt to survive, actually can retain salt and recycle it for a long time.
Does that mean bull sharks can swim up a river?
Yes! Bull sharks can thrive in both salt and freshwater. They are capable of traveling long distances up rivers.
They have been known to travel as far up the Mississippi River as Alton, Illinois – that’s nearly 700 miles from the coastline! There’s also been a sighting more than 2,500 miles up the Amazon.
A small number of freshwater contacts between sharks and humans have been documented, nonetheless.
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The frequency of bull sharks in freshwater

Upwards of 500 bull sharks are estimated to live in the Brisbane River, Australia, one of the largest rivers in the world.
Throughout the 2010–11 Queensland storms, one was reportedly spotted swimming across Brisbane’s flooded roadways.
One was even caught. Then, in January 2011, many bull sharks were also spotted on a major thoroughfare in Queensland.
The most shocking bull shark sightings in freshwater
2,500 miles up the Amazon River, a bull shark swam all the way up to the Peruvian and Bolivian Iquitos. Since at least 1924, reports of bull sharks as far as Baghdad after swimming up the Tigris River have been reported.
Warm currents are the preferred habitat for this particular species. Numerous bull shark sightings were reported in Lake Pontchartrain following the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina.
However, these sharks are known to frequent the Mississippi River, even upstream of the Mississippi River or up the Ohio River to Manchester.
These are only a few of the rivers in the world where bull sharks frequent freshwater.
The bull shark habitat

It is common to find bull sharks around the world in warm coastal regions as well as in lakes, rivers, or even freshwater and saltwater streams with enough depth.
Bull sharks can be found as deep as 150 meters; however, they rarely go deeper than 30 meters.
You’ll find them from Massachusetts to the southern region of Brazil and from Morocco to Angola on the Atlantic Oceanside.
The bull shark’s ability to tolerate freshwater
Bull sharks are the most widely recognized of the 43 freshwater elasmobranch species known.
When it comes to swimming between fresh and saltwater, the bull shark is a diadromous species.
Additionally, these fish are euryhaline, which means they can thrive in a wide variety of salt concentrations.
The freshwater bull shark is among the few known cartilaginous fish species. Bony fish like salmon and tilapia, which are unrelated to bull sharks, are also among the euryhaline fish.
This kind of evolutionary gap may be explained by the bull shark encountering a population bottleneck throughout the last ice age.
In the Elasmobranchii subclass, this bottleneck might have isolated this shark from the rest, favoring the genes for an osmoregulatory system in its stead.
How do bull sharks retain salt to swim in freshwater?

As a result of osmosis and the loss of chloride and salt from its body, a considerable volume of water is pumped through the shark’s gills.
When it comes to salt and water balance, the gills, liver, kidney, and rectal glands of bull sharks living in freshwater can help to regulate their salt balance.
Since they spend their whole lives submerged in saltwater, elasmobranchs all possess a rectal gland that aids in the expulsion of excess salts.
Freshwater bull sharks reduce their rectal gland’s salt-excretion activity, therefore, conserving sodium and chloride.
Large amounts of dilute urine are produced, but the kidneys have a significant function in the active absorption of solutes into the blood as well.
Does the bull shark’s system eventually adjust to freshwater?
When salinity changes, urea production in the bull shark’s liver adjusts to meet the needs for sodium and chloride intake from the surrounding water.
The liver density of bull sharks taken in freshwater is lower than that of sharks that reside in marine areas.
As a result, this may lower the additional expense of larger negative buoyancy.
Bull sharks can adapt to both fresh and saltwater environments. For the most part, the shark’s reproductive demands prevent it from permanently residing in freshwater.

To breed, young bull sharks migrate from the brackish water where they were born.
The survival rate of bull sharks in freshwater
Bull sharks can potentially survive in freshwater, but experiments on bull sharks indicated that they died after four years of being kept in freshwater.
The stomach was opened, and two little, unidentified fishes were discovered. Bull sharks’ principal food supply is in saltwater; hence malnutrition could have been a factor in the shark’s death.
In a study, bull sharks were found to spend the majority of their time at the mouth of an estuary.
Despite the river’s salinity, they remained at the mouth of the river. Bull sharks can be found in fresh or saltwater depending on their age; as they get older, their salinity tolerance improves.
Since they had developed a greater tolerance for saltwater, older bull sharks were more likely to be found in saltwater areas than newborns or very young bull sharks.
Adult bull sharks migrate to the river to reproduce, which is assumed to be a physiologic approach to boost young survival and overall bull shark fitness.
Due to their low tolerance for high salinity levels, the young are born in freshwater rather than saltwater.
They will remain there until they are old enough to leave.
What do bull sharks eat?
Bony fish and smaller sharks, such as bull sharks and stingrays, are the bull shark’s primary prey.

In addition to dolphins, birds, and turtles, as well as terrestrial mammals, crustaceans, and echinoderms, their diet also includes crustaceans and echinoderms.
Sharks like to hunt in gloomy waters, where their prey is less likely to see them.
Bull sharks are known to assault their prey by bumping and biting them. They bite and assault prey until they are unable to flee.
To make prey-hunting and deceiving more efficient, bull sharks will sometimes team up with another bull shark for short periods.
Sharks normally consume in quick spurts, but when food is scarce, they digest for a longer amount of time to avoid famine.
How do bull sharks evade their predators?
Bull sharks vomit their food to evade a predator as part of their survival mechanism. If the predator attempts to devour the regurgitated meal, the bull shark will have an opening to flee.
Do bull sharks reproduce in freshwater?
It is common for bull sharks to breed in freshwater or at river mouths in late summer and early fall.

It is not uncommon for a bull shark to give birth to between one and thirteen live calves after a 12-month gestation period.
They are viviparous, meaning they give birth to live, swimming infants. At birth, the young are approximately 70 cm (27.6 in).
They don’t raise their offspring, so they’re born in flat places that are safe from predators. A common nursery habitat is a low-salinity coastal lagoon, river mouth, or another estuary.
The difference in male and female bull shark reproductive ages
A male bull shark can begin breeding at 15 years of age, but a female bull shark must wait until she is 18 years of age before she can begin reproducing.
For a bull shark to lay fertile eggs, it must be between 175 cm and 235 cm in length. Bull sharks’ courtship rituals have not yet been studied in detail.
When the female is turned over, the male likely bites her on the tail until she can mate with him.
Mating scratches are frequent in mature females. The migratory patterns of bull sharks are different compared to those of other sharks.
Throughout the world, they can be found in rivers. They give birth in rivers’ freshwater. Before venturing out to sea to locate a mate, juvenile bull sharks can grow up in the river without fear of being eaten.
Bull shark interactions with humans

Bull sharks may be more harmful to humans than any other shark species, since they may be found in a wide variety of habitats, are fiercely territorial, and will attack if provoked.
There are just three shark species that have been known to attack humans unprovoked: tiger, great white, and bull.
The Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916 may have been the basis for Peter Benchley’s novel Jaws if bull sharks were involved.
Based on two fatal shark bites happening in brackish and freshwater, there is concern that bull sharks may have been involved.
Swimmers have been attacked by bull sharks in and near Sydney Harbour inlets in the past.
Bull sharks have been seen to attack swimmers in India’s Mahanadi and Ganges rivers. There have also been reports of bull shark attacks off the coast of Florida.
Bull sharks’ ability to conserve energy
Young bull sharks were tagged and tracked in the Caloosahatchee River estuary in 2008 by researchers.
Bull sharks as young as three years old were being tested to see what influenced their movement.
When environmental conditions altered, the young bull sharks synchronistically relocated downriver.
Young bull sharks were observed to be migrating in huge numbers in reaction to internal stimuli, rather than in response to exterior threats like predators.

It was discovered that the bull shark’s sluggishness was due to it trying to conserve energy.
To save energy while traveling downstream, the bull shark exploits the tidal flow when the ebb and flow of the river vary.
When it comes to saving energy, the bull shark can also reduce its demand for osmoregulation.