Getting a Fulbright Scholarship is an honor that many high achievers dream of.
This United States Government-sponsored program for International Learning opens doors to mutual understanding between the countries of the world and the US. But how much is the stipend for Fulbright?
Fulbright grants offer a $1,000-per-month allowance as a minimum and an ongoing monthly allowance of $1,150 for housing and upkeep. There’s also a $3,500 allowance for traveling and relocating, along with $500 for books and research.
That is information presented by the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.
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What is the Fulbright Program?

The U.S. government’s most visible international educational exchange initiative is the Fulbright Program. The program was started with the intention of promoting mutual understanding between Americans and citizens of other countries.
Those selected for their scholastic excellence and leadership potential are invited to participate in the Fulbright Program and make a contribution to the quest for answers to common international issues. Also, non-U.S. nationals who have no permanent residence in the United States are eligible for grants to travel abroad or to relocate to the United States, depending on their nationality.
The Fulbright Program is a significant part of the United States’ bilateral engagement with other nations. Objectives for the exchanges are mutually established by the US government and its counterparts abroad.
What do grant benefits for Fulbright U.S. students include?
- Health Insurance for Accidents and Illnesses
- Emergency and non-emergency assistance
- 12 months of federal government non-competitive eligibility (NCE)
Grant advantages for Fulbright U.S. students to host countries include:
- Round-trip airfare to the host country
- Financing for accommodation, board, and other incidentals depending on the cost of living in the host nation
- pre-departure and orientations in their country
What are the additional Fulbright grant benefits?

There may be considerable differences in the additional grant advantages depending on the nation and project to which the student is assigned. According to the award and country, certain grants can also include the following:
- Allowances for books and research
- Enrichment activities for students in the middle of their studies
- Tuition paid in full or in part
- Programs to learn a new language
Who sponsors the Fulbright Program?
A yearly appropriation from Congress to the US Department of State funds the Fulbright Program in the United States. Corporations and foundations from throughout the world, as well as those based here in the United States, assist in a variety of ways.
According to the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board’s regulations, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs implements the Fulbright Project.
There are Fulbright Commissions in 49 nations, American embassies in over 100 other countries, and several partnering organizations in the United States that make that possible.
Can you work while on a Fulbright Scholarship?

All work authorization requests are assessed individually and must be approved by Fulbright/IIE (International Institute of Engineers) before a post may begin. According to Fulbright nation policy, any grant monies you receive from Fulbright may be impacted by short-term job earnings.
There is a 20-hour limit per week throughout the school year for working students. A full-time job can be considered during regular university holidays, but it must be negotiated with ICE.
On-campus and off-campus jobs are limited by federal restrictions on immigration (Code of Federal Regulations 62.23). Scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, and various types of on-campus labor are all examples of on-campus employment.
Can you work off-campus on a Fulbright Scholarship?
Exchange visitors may only work off-campus in extreme cases of financial emergency that have developed since obtaining Exchange Visitor status and are unrelated to their primary subject of study. You can apply for off-campus work that is directly relevant to your major in the section on Pre-Degree Academic Training.
Fulbright recipients can apply for a job online through the Fulbright portal.
Can you maintain your stipend after seeking employment as a Fulbright Scholar?

Assuming you are fully financed by the Fulbright program, you should include in your statement an explanation of any additional unforeseen costs you may incur.
Using IIE’s Self-Service Portal, you can upload all of the required documents in one pdf file. Please note that retroactive employment permission will not be assessed and must have a launch date that is in the future.
IMPORTANT: Your most current transcript and verification of admission must also be current with the International Institute of Engineers (IIE).
How many Fulbright program grants are awarded annually?
Each year, the Fulbright Program distributes around 8,000 fellowships. The awards go to around 2,000 students from the United States, 4,000 students from other countries, over 800 scholars from the United States, and 900 visitors, in combination with several hundred educators and experts.
Since the project’s commencement in 1946, upwards of 400,000 “Fulbrighters” from more than 160 nations have played an active role.
What grants are available through the Fulbright Program?
Every year, the Fulbright Program awards more than 8,000 grants to students, academics, teachers, artists, scientists, and other professions in the United States and abroad.
See the complete list of Fulbright award programs and categories. More than 160 nations throughout the world are currently part of the Fulbright Program’s network. See a list of countries and areas that are taking part.
What is the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB)?
This board is made up of twelve educational and public officials who are selected by the president. The board sets policies for the implementation of the Fulbright Initiative, creates entry requirements for applicants, and selects those recommended to receive awards.
Binational Fulbright Commissions: What are they for?

Grants are awarded by the priorities established by binational Fulbright commissions or foundations, most of which are sponsored equally by the U.S. and foreign governments.
To be more specific, they design and execute academic exchanges, enlist, and nominate candidates for scholarships, appoint qualified local universities to host Fulbrighters, and raise money. They also empower alumni, endorse inbound US students, as well as run information services for the general populace in many nations on access to education in the U. S.
There are now 49 operational commissions, each of which has a board made up of American and non-American individuals. The Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy creates and manages the Fulbright Program in countries where there is no council or foundation.
How would You describe a typical “Fulbrighter”?
Recent university graduates and established specialists in their disciplines are both eligible to apply as Fulbrighters. Artists, musicians, and scientists are all represented.
The economic, cultural, racial, and religious origins of Fulbrighters are diverse. The Fulbright award will be a new experience for many, and some might be traveling abroad for the first time.
There are some commonalities among all Fulbrighters, such as academic excellence, leadership potential, a desire to promote cross-cultural understanding through their Fulbright project, and the ability to change and adapt quickly to new situations.
How do scholars apply for a Fulbright?
Contemplate your intentions, objectives, long-term plans, and potential projects before applying to the Fulbright Initiative. The application process is very time-consuming and stringent.
There may be extra work-related considerations (such as university leave restrictions) for those applying to the Scholar and Teacher Exchange initiatives.
The Fulbright Program funds are awarded based on merit. Programs and countries have different requirements for who is eligible to participate. Educational credentials, project viability, individual leadership abilities, and accessible grant monies are just a few of the considerations that go into the selection process.
Is Fulbright an annual program?

As a rule of thumb, Fulbright’s application cycle begins roughly 15 months before the start of a grant’s projected start date, with a cutoff roughly 11 or 12 months ahead of the start time.
For awards that commence in the summer or fall of the following year, the Student Program’s application is usually accessible in May and has an October time limit. The Fulbright Specialist Program for scholars and researchers in the United States as well as the Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Program for educators both in the US and abroad are two notable exceptions to this rule.
Procedures vary depending on an applicant’s citizenship or permanent residency status. Please be aware that Fulbright grants are not available to non-U.S. citizens lawfully abiding in the United States.
Are Fulbright Grants only intended for a select number of academic fields?
No. The performing and visual arts, as well as technology, engineering, maths, and natural sciences, can all apply for Fulbright awards. Applicants from a wide variety of academic backgrounds are encouraged to submit their applications to Fulbright.
Can you study medicine on a Fulbright Grant?
In public health and international development, yes, but not in other areas.
A medical course of study or clinical health research or instruction including patient care and/or interaction is not eligible for funding through the Fulbright Program.
How does the Fulbright Program work?
The U.S. Congress allocates funds to the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State (ECA). The majority of the money for the Fulbright Program comes from this Congressional allocation.
The Education Department receives a portion of this funding to administrate the distinct Fulbright-Hays Program.
Who, outside of the US government, funds the Fulbright Program?
Additional financing comes from the binational Fulbright Commissions as well as other institutions of the participating countries. Fulbright’s funding is also supported by private benefactors, comprising organizations, firms, and individuals from around the world.
In addition, the Fulbright Program is supported by in-kind gifts from both the commercial and public sectors around the world.
Participants benefit greatly from the generosity of host universities, which waive all or part of their student’s tuition as part of the program. Interagency transfers from other government agencies, such as USAID, can sometimes be used to fund ECA’s Fulbright award program.
How does a U.S. citizen apply for Fulbright?
U.S. applicants (citizens of the United States) apply to the partnering agency in charge of the program they are considering either via their college or university or directly.

According to the Fulbright Commissions or the US embassies in nations without a Commission, partnering agencies refer US candidates who have satisfied initial evaluation to them for their approval.
How do non-U.S. citizens apply for Fulbright?
Citizens of regions other than the United States should submit their applications to the Fulbright Commission or the U.S. Embassy in their home country (in territories without a Fulbright Commission).
J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board applicants are recommended by the binational Fulbright Commissions and US embassies (FSB). The FSB finalizes candidate decisions.