What Is the Richest City in Africa?

Africa has several wealthy cities that billionaires and millionaires call home, including Cape Town, Lagos, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Nairobi, and Cairo. However, which of them holds the title of the wealthiest city in Africa? Johannesburg is the richest city on the African continent. It is also Gauteng Province’s provincial capital, the wealthiest province in the country. … Read more

Which Animals Kills the Most Humans in Africa?

Africa is one of the most fascinating continents on the planet. It has some of the most spectacular landscapes and some of the most ferocious animals. The continent is also known for the dangers it poses both to its inhabitants and to visitors. If you’re about to travel to Africa, you need to know which … Read more

The 12 Most Beautiful Cities in Africa

With Africa being the second largest continent, it can be hard to decide which of the 54 countries to visit let alone the cities within them!  The good news is that I have compiled a list of some of the absolute must-see cities within the continent to help narrow down your search and give you … Read more

What Are The 3 Largest Lakes In Africa?

Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Malawi are the 3 largest in Africa. These are large lakes that are often spread across 2 or 3 countries. Many of them have been named after their European explorers. Today, these lakes often serve as transport links as they can facilitate travel from one country to another or … Read more

What Is The Longest Lake In Africa?

Lake Tanganyika is the longest lake in Africa and the longest lake in the world. Its length is 410 miles or 660 kilometers. The lake is rather narrow with a width anywhere between 10 to 45 miles. This lake has been formed around 10.000 years ago and its vast size has seen it become a … Read more

What Lake Has The Most Fish In The World?

Lake Malawi in Africa is known to have the most species of fish. It’s estimated that over 700 species of cichlids live here. It is often impossible to know just how many species of fish live here exactly. This is because the fish in Lake Malawi are very diverse and they can look different but … Read more

How Many Continents Are There In The World?

There are 7 continents on the planet earth. The 7 continents of the world are North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Africa is the world’s largest continent. According to the latest research, the human population first appeared in Africa and then traveled to other continents as many weren’t yet divided by shifting … Read more