What Is the Biggest Lake in Idaho?

As a Rocky Mountain state, Idaho is home to numerous bodies of water of varying sizes. This includes 199 lakes, which are spread out around the state with a strong concentration in the center. The biggest lake in Idaho is Lake Pend Oreille, with a surface area of 148 square miles (or 38,000 hectares) and … Read more

What Is the Biggest Problem in the Criminal Justice System?

Criminal justice refers to law enforcement, legal cases, and prison as part of an overall system of addressing individuals accused or found guilty of crimes. Generally, one of the biggest problems in the criminal justice system is the lack of funding and resources. Fair and unbiased policing and courtrooms are other major concerns, as there … Read more

What Is the Biggest Wild Boar Ever Killed?

The first hogs in the United States were supposed to have been brought here by Spanish explorers in the 1500s. Their prolific breeding has led to explosive growth in the hog population and an expansion of the hog’s geographic range. The actual distribution and quantity of feral hogs are difficult to determine, but biologists believe … Read more

What Is the Biggest Pike Ever Caught?

The Northern freshwater pike is an aggressive fish with a long body that waits on the bottom for its prey to pass by before quickly snatching them up. The muskellunge Esox masquinongy, commonly referred to as a “musky” or “muskie,” is the biggest species of pike native to large rivers in North America. The world’s … Read more

Who Is the Biggest Selling Music Artist of All Time?

Music has been a part of history for centuries. From lutes and lyres to banjos and electric guitars, music has played a role in many situations as a means of expression during special events, in religion, and as entertainment. There are many styles of music, from blues, jazz, and rock to country, reggae, and classical, … Read more

What Is the Biggest Type of Cloud?

Clouds are ice crystals or water drops suspended in the sky. Clouds form when the air cools and water vapor condenses into liquid form. The biggest type of cloud is the cumulonimbus, the towering vertical cloud responsible for thunder, lightning, and hail. Sometimes called thunderheads, these large clouds form when powerful air currents push water … Read more

What Is the Biggest Lake in North America?

There are over 300 million lakes around the world, with lakes classified as bodies of still water surrounded by land. There are fresh and saltwater lakes on every continent, and all ecosystems have some type of lake that serves as a valuable habitat for some of the earth’s most fascinating creatures. Lake Superior is North … Read more