What Country Forms the Northeast Border of Spain?

Historical and beautiful Spain is a nation situated in the far southwestern region of Europe. It inhabits more than eighty percent of the Iberian Peninsula, an area it splits with Portugal. But what country borders the northeast of Spain, sitting all the way in the southwest? France sits at the northeast border of Spain with … Read more

Which Countries Border Portugal?

Portugal is a country in southern Europe and part of the Iberian Peninsula. Its position on the Atlantic Ocean has influenced several aspects of its culture. Portugal is known for its delicious cuisine, and grilled sardines and salt cod are two of the country’s most popular dishes. It’s a haven for history lovers and travelers … Read more

Which Countries Border Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is a nation located in the southern part of Central Asia. The country covers around a quarter of a million square miles and boasts a population that is just shy of 35 million. A large portion of the Afghan population resides in Kabul, which is the capital of Afghanistan. In this article, we look … Read more

Which Countries Border Hawaii?

Hawaii is one of the most beautiful island archipelagos in the world and one of the fifty United States. Because of its unique location, it’s thousands of miles from its closest neighbor. So what countries border Hawaii? Other than the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is not close enough to the United States mainland or any other … Read more