How Far Does a Shark Swim in a Day?

Sharks are truly mesmerizing marine creatures that both intrigue and scare people. After all, these cold-blooded fish range in size from just a few inches all the way up to 50 feet long. Many shark species are completely harmless to humans, although there are larger kinds of sharks that may mistake people for prey and … Read more

Are Christmas and Hanukkah on the Same Day?

The Jews celebrate Hanukkah, and the Christians celebrate Christmas. Oftentimes, it appears that both celebratory periods occur at the same time. The Jews celebrate for eight days, while the Christians celebrate for one day, December 25. So, do Hanukkah and Christmas start on the same day? The short answer is no. While this has happened … Read more

Which Day of the Week Has the Worst Traffic?

Everyone has their own opinion about which day of the week is the busiest based on their experience, so let’s leave it up to technology and researchers to help us discover the real traffic stats. TomTom Technology has many years of data on highway speeds, trip duration, and traffic heaviness. It gave us the insights … Read more