What Type of Food Do Gazelles Eat?

Gazelles are herbivores who primarily eat plants. Their diet includes grasses, leaves, and bushes. When water is abundantly available, they often eat more grasses. When access to water is limited, they tend to eat more flowers, leaves, and buds because they have higher water content. Gazelles tend to be small animals, so to reach plant … Read more

Is It OK To Eat Fish Every Day?

Fish is recommended for consumption at least twice per week. Harvard University shows that there are no studies on daily fish consumption and this aspect might be up to you to decide. Several public health guidelines show us that fish has a positive impact on the body when consumed twice per week. Most studies on … Read more

Will Pigs Eat A Human?

Pigs are omnivores and they can eat humans given the occasion. Pigs, boars, and wild hogs can easily eat humans if they’re hungry and if they manage to attack a person. We know from history that pigs are some of the greatest survivors of the animal kingdom. This is because they can eat anything. In … Read more

Will A Bear Eat You Alive?

A bear will eat you alive in certain conditions. But in most face-to-face encounters, bears will not attack you and they won’t eat you alive. There are so many myths about bears that it can seem impossible to distinguish facts from fiction. Here are a few good rules to guide your outdoor trips into bear … Read more