How Did World War 2 Affect American Society and Economy?

America’s first response to the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, was shock and disbelief. No one could believe that a small island nation off the Asian mainland could possibly pull off such a feat thousands of miles from its homeland. As the shock turned into anger, America’s leaders acted … Read more

How Did the Japanese Economy Recover So Quickly After World War II?

The Rise, Fall, and Recovery of the Japanese Economy Japan emerged from cultural and economic isolation in the early 20th century. Dominated by an aggressive military clique, Japan fought a brief war with Czarist Russia in 1904. Its naval and land victories were the first modern defeat of Europeans by an Asian power. As Japan’s … Read more

What Can a Country do to Encourage Economic Growth?

The basic fundamentals of economic growth in any region or country are a function of supply and demand. Both of these elements impact a country’s capacity for economic growth. Even demand, where consumer spending is high on one product, will stimulate economic growth. Any impacts on capacity in the supply chain will affect economic growth. … Read more

The 7 Different Types of Cities

According to the Global Cities Initiative, there are 7 different types of cities today. 123 of the most economically-powerful cities have been analyzed by this Brookings initiative to unveil the type of cities that drive innovation, culture, and economic growth. Here are the 7 categories. 1. Global Giants Global giants are the megacities of the … Read more

The 10 Largest Economies in the World

The 10 biggest economies of the world drive most of the economic power as we see it today. While some states are stronger than others, it seems these economies excel in different areas. Some have a strong financial sector while others have excellent manufacturing capacity. Here are the 10 names you need to remember. 10. … Read more