What Can a Country do to Encourage Economic Growth?

The basic fundamentals of economic growth in any region or country are a function of supply and demand. Both of these elements impact a country’s capacity for economic growth. Even demand, where consumer spending is high on one product, will stimulate economic growth. Any impacts on capacity in the supply chain will affect economic growth. … Read more

How Fast Does a River Birch Tree Grow?

River birch trees are one of the most low-maintenance trees that you can find. It’s almost impossible to believe this when you see how lovely and graceful they are. They shine with their heart-shaped leaves and their pale bark. Many people, while they appreciate the tree’s beauty, don’t know much about this fascinating species. How … Read more

The 7 Different Types of Cities

According to the Global Cities Initiative, there are 7 different types of cities today. 123 of the most economically-powerful cities have been analyzed by this Brookings initiative to unveil the type of cities that drive innovation, culture, and economic growth. Here are the 7 categories. 1. Global Giants Global giants are the megacities of the … Read more