What City Is the Geographical Center of North America?

In North Dakota’s Rugby City stands a 21-foot-tall obelisk with “Geographical Center of North America” written on its side. The monument is surrounded by flagpoles, restaurants, and gift shops selling glasses and T-shirts, which can easily convince you that it is truly the Geographical Center of North America. However, this has been a point for … Read more

What Is the Biggest Lake in North America?

There are over 300 million lakes around the world, with lakes classified as bodies of still water surrounded by land. There are fresh and saltwater lakes on every continent, and all ecosystems have some type of lake that serves as a valuable habitat for some of the earth’s most fascinating creatures. Lake Superior is North … Read more

Which Countries in North America Speak Spanish?

The Spanish language is prominent throughout the world. In fact, the number of Spanish speakers makes it the fourth most spoken language in the world. There are 21 countries that claim Spanish as their official language. This means that approximately 572 million individuals speak Spanish around the globe. While you may be able to quickly … Read more

The 30 Longest Rivers in North America

When you think of rivers in North America, you probably think of rivers like the Mississippi, Missouri, and the Rio Grande. Although these rivers do indeed constitute a great part of America’s river systems, they’re only a few of many. In fact, there are several major rivers extending through the US, Canada, and Mexico, contributing … Read more

The 30 Highest Mountains in North America

North America is home to some of the tallest mountains in the world. From Alaska and Canada all the way down to Mexico, these staggering peaks have piqued the interest of climbers, geographers, and explorers for centuries.  Whether you’re hoping to summit one of these massive pinnacles or just interested in learning more about them, … Read more

What Is The Biggest Country In North America?

Canada is the biggest country in North America. It has an area of 9.9 million square kilometers (compared to 9.6 million sq. km of the USA). Canada is also the second-largest country in the world (the first is Russia). The vast Canadian lands Canada is a country in the ‘New World’ established by European colonists. … Read more

How Many Continents Are There In The World?

There are 7 continents on the planet earth. The 7 continents of the world are North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Africa is the world’s largest continent. According to the latest research, the human population first appeared in Africa and then traveled to other continents as many weren’t yet divided by shifting … Read more