How Much Does a Hotel Room Cost Per Night?

The average cost for a one-night stay in a US hotel is $125. That cost does not include seasonal fluctuations in price, discounts, lodging, and local taxes. As we shall see, $125 is just a drop in the bucket compared to some of the more expensive and exclusive hotels in places like New York City … Read more

What Is the Average Cost of a Motel Room in the US?

Motel rooms are a popular choice for travelers looking for an affordable stay. The average cost of a motel room in the United States varies depending on your state. So, the answer will depend on your area of stay. The average cost of a motel room in the United States is around $60.74 per night. … Read more

What Is the Standard Dorm Room Size?

There are close to 20 million college students across America and an estimated 220 million tertiary education students around the world. College students have the choice of on-campus dorms, off-campus apartments, or living at home. Close to 60% of first-year students live in dorms, which are highly regarded for their tight-knit community and proximity to … Read more