How Far Does a Shark Swim in a Day?

Sharks are truly mesmerizing marine creatures that both intrigue and scare people. After all, these cold-blooded fish range in size from just a few inches all the way up to 50 feet long. Many shark species are completely harmless to humans, although there are larger kinds of sharks that may mistake people for prey and … Read more

Are there Sharks in the Mediterranean Sea?

You may automatically visualize sunny beaches with clear, blue waters when you think of the Mediterranean Sea. Besides offering quality relaxation spots, the Mediterranean Sea has an abundance of various habitats, ranging from coral gardens to sandy bays. Its fish-teeming and temperate waters make the sea a perfect hunting ground for marine predators, including sharks. … Read more

The 10 Largest Sharks In The World

Some of the biggest sharks in the world are nearly impossible to sea as they live far out in the ocean. Others can be seen on organized tours. But the biggest sharks should always be taken seriously as their predator instinct also makes them very dangerous. It has been said that sharks don’t refrain from … Read more