The 30 Largest Countries in the World

Did you know that Earth has a surface area of 196,939,900 mi² (510,072,000 km²)? Almost 30% of the Earth’s surface is land, which measures about 57,506,055 mi² (148,940,000 km²). In terms of continent size, Asia covers 30% of Earth’s surface, Africa is 20.3%, North America is 16.3%, South America is 12%, Antarctica is 8.9%, Europe … Read more

How Many Ham Radio Operators Are There in the World?

Radio communication may sound like a thing of the past. But believe it or not, it’s still an integral part of today’s society. Although radio communication has been largely replaced by newer, more advanced technologies, amateur radio, also known as ham radio, remains popular to this day. What makes ham radio possible is the efforts … Read more

What Percentage of the World Population Celebrates Christmas?

Christmas is a Christian celebration that takes place on December 25th every year. Christians recognize this day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ, making it their most important holiday of the year apart from Easter. While Christmas is a Christian holiday, hence the name, people from many different faiths take part in … Read more

World Population

Current World Population 7,970,828,475 Largest Countries in the World by Population >> view the complete list Historical World Population >> view the complete list

The 30 Countries That Produce the Most Food in the World

The agricultural sector is one of the most important industries of any country. It not only provides a boost to the economy, but also serves as the main source of food, fabric, materials, and livelihood. It is a diverse sector that primarily involves raising animals and cultivating plants. In this article, we listed the top … Read more

World Flags

A Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan B Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi C Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, … Read more