Is March the Third Month of the Year?

There are at least ten calendars in widespread and serious use around the world today, so asking whether March is the third month of the year is a bit presumptuous. A know-it-all (like me) might ask you, “In which calendar?” So, is March the third month of the year? The answer is, it depends. Yes, … Read more

Is It Bad Luck to Keep Ashes in the House?

No, it is not bad luck to keep ashes in the home. The reason that so many people think that it is bad luck to keep ashes in the home goes back to an old ruling by the Vatican that forbade Catholics to keep ashes in the home. Some people that are superstitious may also … Read more

How Did Aretha Franklin’s Mother Die?

Aretha Franklin’s mother, Barbara Siggers Franklin, died of a heart attack at the age of 34 when Aretha Franklin was barely 10 years old. Barbara Franklin died after a long and tumultuous family history with Aretha Franklin’s father. Barbara Franklin’s death was one of many losses in the life of Aretha Franklin before her own … Read more

The World’s 30 Largest E-waste Producing Countries

E-waste is one of the fastest-growing sources of toxic waste streams in the world. First and foremost, what is e-waste? E-waste is a term generally used in Europe that refers to electrical and electronic equipment (or EEE) that is disposed of. This generates waste that contains both hazardous and valuable materials. Examples of EEE range … Read more

The 28 Countries That Produce The Most Food Waste in the World

One of the world’s largest problems at the moment is the continued increase in food waste. Currently, one-third of the food produced worldwide ends up in a landfill, where it will eventually increase air pollution.  Wasting food is not only a disservice to those who suffer from hunger, but it also harms every inch of … Read more

How Much is a Liter of Water?

A liter is a metric unit used for measuring both capacity and volume, previously distinguished as the volume of a kilogram of liquid (specifically, water), under basic conditions presently proportional to a thousand cubic centimeters. You can measure a liter in multiple ways depending on the metric unit you’re comparing it to. If you have … Read more

What is the Average IQ Score?

An IQ test assesses your intellectual and problem-solving skills. The majority of IQ tests focus on a person’s visual, arithmetic, and verbal skills, as well as a person’s ability to recall and their speed of computing. The average IQ is always 100, and your IQ ranking is determined by your score. The norm group is … Read more