What is the National Bird of Russia?

Birds have played a strong role in Russian history and culture for centuries. There are, in fact, 808 different species of birds found across the large Eurasian nation, though many are largely found only in certain regions. Two species of Russian birds are even considered endemic (not found anywhere else in the world). Unlike many … Read more

What is the National Bird of Japan?

In 1947, Japan named the green pheasant its national bird, and this bird is well known all over the world. The male is colorful, with a dark green crown and a blue and purple-tinged throat and neck. The mantle of the green pheasant, or Phasianus Versicolor, is located near the shoulders and along the spine … Read more

The 10 Biggest Bird Zoos In The World

Some of the biggest bird zoos in the world are largely off the radar of travelers. But you don’t need to camp out in the wilderness for days just to see an eagle or a falcon. These top 10 bird zoos are often visited by a growing number of people year by year. This enables … Read more

What Animals Kill Their Own Kind?

There’s a term for animals who kill their kind. Named as infanticide, these animals are typically adults and they kill their kind for various reasons. Animal offspring are often killed by mistake. But in many cases, the killings are deliberate. Here are a few infanticide animals who kill their kind. Langurs Langurs are a type … Read more

The 10 Most Beautiful Animals in New Zealand

You can still see the most beautiful animals you can find in New Zealand in person. Many of these are unique to the area, mainly due to its interesting history. There were no mammals in New Zealand before its colonization which means a few species lived there freely almost like nowhere else. 10. New Zealand … Read more