Are There Snakes in Haiti?

Haiti is home to about 27 species of snakes. However, none of them are dangerous to people. Some do have mild venom that can kill small prey like lizards and frogs, but the venom is too weak to kill a person. Haiti has a long tradition of snake charming and in religious rituals, although no … Read more

Are There Lions in Haiti?

Haiti is a small country that’s famous for many things, from its “discovery” by Christopher Columbus to becoming the first black independent republic in the entire world. Moreover, it’s a very colorful country known for being home to unique species of animals and plants. Perhaps, you’ve wondered whether you can find lions in this country. … Read more

What is the National Animal of Haiti?

The national animal of Haiti is a bird called the Hispaniolan trogon. The bird is named after a region in Haiti, is a brightly colored bird, and one animal you will not forget seeing. The Hispaniolan trogon makes a low, haunting sound that can be heard for quite some distance. This bird is as unique … Read more

What is the National Flower of Haiti?

The national flower of Haiti is the hibiscus, a flower that needs warm or tropical climates to flourish. As the second most populated country of the Caribbean islands, Haiti is an ideal location for hibiscus to grow. The hibiscus is a stunning plant with bright and beautiful flowers and is a flower that has cultural … Read more

Are There Tigers in Haiti?

Haiti does not have tigers. There is an urban legend that Haiti was home to tigers at some point in the country’s history, but this is simply not the case. Some of that is in part due to the film The Last Tiger in Haiti, which is more a tale of poverty and oppression in … Read more