How Many Oceans Are There In The World?

There are 5 oceans in the world. These are the Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific, Indian, and the Southern Ocean. Combined, these 5 oceans cover more than 70% of our planet. Largely unexplored, oceans have always been a matter of mystery. But today, we know more about these oceans than we ever did. Here’s what you need … Read more

Is Rain Over The Ocean Salty?

Rain is only marginally salty above oceans. It mainly consists of small amounts of salt which evaporate together with the water of the oceans. But most salt in the ocean is the result of rainwater washing down minerals from the shores of the ocean and taking them inside the water. Rain is partially salty but … Read more

Which Animal Eats The Most Humans?

Animals eat humans for millennia. Most wild animals can attack humans if surprised but there are certain species known to go for humans regardless of the situation you encounter them in. If they have the opportunity to attack, the following animals are going to jump on you without hesitation. Tigers Tigers are probably the animals … Read more

The 9 Animals That Kill Just For Fun

Animals that kill for fun are mostly categorized as surplus killing animals. This term refers to the animals that kill more than they can eat. Black bears, lions, and wolves are among the animals that love to kill for fun and who often kill more animals than they can eat. Here are the animals that … Read more

What Are The Happiest Countries In The World?

Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland are the happiest countries in the world. These Nordic countries might not have perfect weather, but they are often seen as some of the leading countries in terms of happiness, which is actually measures. Happiness is measured by looking at parameters such as having the freedom to make life choices, … Read more

What Is The Coldest Ocean On Earth?

The Arctic Ocean is the coldest ocean on Earth. It is mostly a polar climate ocean that remains cold throughout the year. During the summer when the temperature rises to around 0 degrees Celsius, the ocean tends to get most visiting ships. The temperature of the water at the surface is also very low in … Read more

What Is The Hottest Ocean On Earth?

The Indian Ocean is the hottest on Earth. It has the highest year-round temperature that allows it to remain warm almost every day of the year. Most of those measuring its temperature agree this ocean is warm at the surface, much like all other oceans that are cooler the deeper the measurement is taken. The … Read more