Is a Degree from Another Country Valid in the United States?

Thousands of highly skilled professionals seek employment in the United States in specialty areas each year. However, they often wonder if the degree they earned in their home country is equivalent to a degree received in the U.S. So, is a degree from another country valid in the United States? Yes, a large number of … Read more

What Country Forms the Northeast Border of Spain?

Historical and beautiful Spain is a nation situated in the far southwestern region of Europe. It inhabits more than eighty percent of the Iberian Peninsula, an area it splits with Portugal. But what country borders the northeast of Spain, sitting all the way in the southwest? France sits at the northeast border of Spain with … Read more

Which Country Lost the Most Soldiers During World War One?

Unfortunately, history will always remind us of the brutality of World War I. From 1914 to 1918, more than 30 countries waged war on one another. Overwhelmingly, nations such as the United States, Italy, Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia sided with the Allies. The Central Powers, which included the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, and Germany, … Read more

Is Sri Lanka a Developing Country?

Sri Lanka is classified as a developing country according to its global economic status. Sri Lanka falls in the middle category with a GDP per capita of $3,852 USD, while, by comparison, the developed country of the United States has a GDP per capita of $63,543 USD. Sri Lanka is a developing country and is … Read more

What Is the Cheapest Country to Adopt From?

Many people who truly want to adopt a child internationally often give up on the process due to the costs attached. What they need to know, however, is that there are a handful of countries that make the process less tedious and costly. That is when compared to the average low cost of $12,000, which … Read more

Is Siberia a Country?

Siberia is not a country, nor is it a city. Like a province in Canada or other countries, or a state in the U.S., Siberia is considered a region of Russia and also northwestern Asia. The origin of Siberia’s name is said to be derived from the Tatar language for “sleeping land,” but sybyr is … Read more

Is Singapore a Third World Country?

Talk about a country being small but powerful and you’re most likely referring to Singapore, a country that moved from being a little fishing village to having one of the best GDP in the world. It is one of the most affluent places that you could choose to live, but is Singapore a third-world country? … Read more