Which Celebrities Live in Idaho?

There are many celebrities that live in Idaho, including Tom Hanks and Bruce Willis. Some celebrities have been born in Idaho or came from Idaho, and now live there or have a seasonal home there. It is not difficult to find celebrities in every industry living and working out of the Gem State. There are … Read more

What Is the Biggest Lake in Idaho?

As a Rocky Mountain state, Idaho is home to numerous bodies of water of varying sizes. This includes 199 lakes, which are spread out around the state with a strong concentration in the center. The biggest lake in Idaho is Lake Pend Oreille, with a surface area of 148 square miles (or 38,000 hectares) and … Read more

15 Best Day Trips From Boise, Idaho

With a population of 700.000, Boise is the capital city of Idaho. It offers the most attractions per square mile in the state. But Idaho has plenty of great attractions, particularly for nature lovers. You can choose one of the following days trips from Idaho to convince yourself about the state’s potential in 1-day escapes … Read more