Is Rain Over The Ocean Salty?

Rain is only marginally salty above oceans. It mainly consists of small amounts of salt which evaporate together with the water of the oceans. But most salt in the ocean is the result of rainwater washing down minerals from the shores of the ocean and taking them inside the water. Rain is partially salty but … Read more

What Is The Coldest Ocean On Earth?

The Arctic Ocean is the coldest ocean on Earth. It is mostly a polar climate ocean that remains cold throughout the year. During the summer when the temperature rises to around 0 degrees Celsius, the ocean tends to get most visiting ships. The temperature of the water at the surface is also very low in … Read more

What Is The Hottest Ocean On Earth?

The Indian Ocean is the hottest on Earth. It has the highest year-round temperature that allows it to remain warm almost every day of the year. Most of those measuring its temperature agree this ocean is warm at the surface, much like all other oceans that are cooler the deeper the measurement is taken. The … Read more

What Is The Saltiest Ocean On Earth?

The Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest ocean in the world. Since it covers almost 20% of the Earth’s surface, it gathers the most salt from all other oceans. We know oceans are salty due to rain that washes minerals from dry land into the ocean. Since the Atlantic is so large, it’s normal for it … Read more

What Is The Smallest Ocean On Earth?

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean on the planet. With a total surface of 14 million square miles, it represents the most interesting ocean as its reduced size doesn’t mean it’s easy to explore. The Arctic Ocean largely remains unexplored as it is covered by ice most days of the year. How small is … Read more

What is the Difference Between a Sea And an Ocean?

Seas water formations smaller than oceans and they are at least partly enclosed by land. Oceans cover most of the Earth’s surface while seas are smaller by comparison as they can even be entirely surrounded by land with limited or no ocean connectivity. The similarities between seas and oceans Both seas and oceans are large … Read more

Why Is Rain Water Not Salty?

Rainwater is not salty. Salty water is collected from the ground when it washes up minerals collected from the ground. But why is rainwater not salty when oceans and seas are salty? Why are rivers not salty? This article explains the process. How is rain formed? Rain is formed through clouds. A minimum of 70% … Read more